Head shots {Crystal}

Your friendly neighborhood pharmacist, Crystal, came to me looking to update her photo displayed on the wall at the Pharmacy.  “I only need a 8×10 for the wall,” she claimed.  Okay, but let’s have some fun with it!

A session that could have taken ten minutes, turned into an hour as we caught up on each other’s family doings.  Crystal and I met about six years ago when our fourteen year old daughters became friends in 3rd grade.  They don’t get together as much anymore, but I still enjoy chatting with Crystal and her husband.  Which with busy lifestyles, doesn’t come around often enough.

Thank you Crystal for thinking of me for this project of yours.

If any of you know Crystal from the Cache Valley Kmart Pharmacy, say “Hi” to her from me the next time you’re in there!


Our crazy girlies from way back!


I also have to add… where else can you see a cow being walked by a four wheeler down the city streets, besides Smithfield?  Too funny!

only in Smithfield
only in Smithfield